Goodbye or see you soon: a tribute


Janelle and Chicago have a place in my heart

In the Netherlands we have this thing: “there is a time of coming, and there is a time of going. And the time of going has come.” For me, this is unfortunately true as well. The sixteen weeks of the Spring semester at Ferris State University flew by, and all the excitement that I had for coming here has slowly turned into bittersweetness.

How do you call it when you want to go home, but you felt more than at home away? How do you call that? You want to go home, but you’re so confused at what home is anymore, seeing as you found home in so many hearts and so many places that you have visited? I had a crazy, busy and fun semester. I made small dreams and big dreams come true, I travelled to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at the Universal Studios. I saw the beauty of Chicago, I went to a crazy party at Oakwood, I relaxed with my friends on the pier of Lake Michigan in Holland and I went to a carnival. I spend hours and hours in the gym, I watched what I ate, I shopped a lot (trust me, a lot!) and I did so much more. There wasn’t a weekend that I was bored, there wasn’t a time where I felt homesick and there wasn’t a moment where I regretted my choice to come to Ferris State.

I want to say something about the friends I made, there are different people. We have a small little group that we call ‘the squad’. These are the people I hang out with all the time, and I have become so close to these girls that it’s absolutely devastating to say goodbye to them. The funny part is that these girls are not the ‘type’ of people that I would’ve hung out with out of own choice, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.


‘The Squad’ made me feel like I belong somewhere

To my sweetest roommate Erica: I will never forget how you stared at me for minutes and minutes when I first told you I was from the Netherlands. I will not forget the talks we had about boys and the frustrations that we ranted at each other. We trusted each other enough to tell each other everything.

To my favourite Mexican Girl : You opened my eyes about things that I would never see myself. You gave me the courage to believe in myself and love myself. You’re such an outgoing person and girl, you’re super gorgeous and I wish I could show you to everyone! Thank you for being you.

To my Aruban chica Janelle: Thanks to you I ate healthy and lost 30lbs. Thanks to you I dropped two, almost three, jeans sizes. But you’re so much more than just my personal trainer. I knew you before, but we’ve become so close here and I got to know you much better. We laughed and cried together, we worked out like crazy people and I will never forget the ‘struggle’, even though I will see you at school.

To my crazy black girl Deyon: You came in as a friend of Erica’s, and you left being a part of the squad, friends of all of us. You’re such a crazy girl, and we all love it. You can be fierce most of the time, and you’re like me, wanting our opinions to be heard. You’re an awesome girl and I think you will get far in life!


Of course there were more people than that here at Ferris State that have a special place in my heart, and who I will miss dearly.

To my fellow movie freak Gavin: Your nickname from me says enough, you and me love movies and that’s how we became friends in the first place. I remember seeing the book ‘Four’ on your desk, and I never met someone else who is an actual fan of Divergent other than you. I had lots of fun seeing movies with you and I would do it any time, if I can. You’re going to make it, and who knows, maybe you’ll be playing in the movies that I watch in the future.

To my badass girl Cassidy: I remember walking into your dorm with Ericka and sitting on your bed. I said ‘you look like my type, let’s be friends’, and well, from that moment on we were. I loved how bold you are with your tattoos and your hair, you influenced me greatly in good ways. I know we had some arguments here and there, but we were both good enough to fix it all up. Now you’re leaving for bootcamp in the U.S Army and I bet you’ll do great!

To my coffee addict Pedro: You and I suffered through a lot! Boring classes, boring presentations, but we did it! We didn’t hang out too much (unfortunately), but I feel like we connected greatly from the beginning, and I remember that I liked all! I wish we had more time, but I bet we will meet again!

To my zombie girl Abby: We didn’t talk from the start, I even thought you didn’t like me at first! But I think since we realized how hard the struggle was sometimes in the Directors class, we bonded good! I loved acting like a creepy person in your movie and I loved the time we did had together! Thank you so much for buying me a Starbucks as our last time thingy. Just remember: the critic was born after the artist, and you’ll make it!


Zee made me realize that anything is possible

To my Chicago buddy Zee: I feel like we didn’t know each other very well before we went to Chicago together. We were friends though, and we had great contact together and I thought you were the nicest person in the world! But during our Chicago trip is when we became better friends. I remember strolling around the streets of Chicago around 2am and you were speaking in your amazing British accent, and that is one of the memories I will keep with me. The weather was beautiful and the city was too! I am absolutely in love with the city. I really hope your dreams of studying abroad come true, because it’s absolutely amazing.



Janelle taught me to never give up

I’m so sorry if I forget anyone else who was close to me. It’s currently 01:38am and it has been a really long day. Saying goodbye and giving last hugs to people is something that I hate doing, and something that is very hard for me. I did love all the time I had with everyone, and I would all do it again in a heartbeat. You guys are my friends, and this experience here made me a stronger person. Even though Big Rapids is such a small city, so small that the Amish even come and eat some food at the college cafeteria, but it made it fun too. You see people you know everywhere you go, and when you get greeted just randomly by people who met you, that’s just a very good feeling.

Right now I’m in a hotel room in Grand Rapids with the Squad, as our last night together before Janelle jumps on the plane at 06:30am. That’s when things get real as we all say goodbye, or see you soon to each other.

This semester will have a place in my heart forever, and I wouldn’t change a thing.

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Spring time!

I realize it’s been way too long since my last blog post, almost two months! And that when I promised I was going to update more regularly. I have a lot to talk about!

2015-03-07 13.15.05

The candy store from Harry Potter!

Spring Break

Spring Break is the legendary break where students fly to Florida or another warm place to get wasted for a week on the beach. This is certainly true for people around here too, actually, I think this is even a bigger issue in places like Michigan because it gets so cold here. People just need a break and get warm, and that that involves drinking is just another matter. So where most people I know shipped themselves off to Panama City Beach, I had to be different and made my way to Orlando. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is something I always wanted to see, and it is just much more accessible for me when I’m here than it would be back in the Netherlands.

The travel didn’t go all too smooth though. Happily I got into the shuttle at 10am to take me to Grand Rapids Airport, where my plane would take me to first Atlanta, and then Orlando from 2pm. However, my plane was defect. I was supposed to wait two hours before the part arrived to fix the plane, and then another hour for the plane to be fixed. When I heard the news, I immediately knew I was going to miss my connecting flight in Atlanta. At the desk they told me they couldn’t do anything else for me, since it’s spring break. All other flights to Orlando were booked. Broken hearted I kept texting my friends to keep my mind off of it, until finally at 4:30pm the lady at the desk called me forward and told me they had another option for me. Instead of going to Atlanta, I was going to Minneapolis and then Orlando. Happily I waited for my plane to depart. I didn’t care that I was going somewhere else, after all I had been to Atlanta before so this would be another adventure. Minneapolis is very beautiful, I saw some rocky area from the plane that looked wonderful. The airport was very modern as well. I could order my dinner through an ipad that was attached to every table, rather than a waiter. This is the modern world! However, once there, I discovered that my plane to Orlando had a two hour delay as well. So finally, at 3:30am I arrived at Avanti International Resort, my hotel in Florida.

The next morning I woke up at 9am, excited to get going! I dressed into my Harry Potter dress and made everything match as I got myself a caramel machiatto and a banana nut muffin as I waited for the shuttle to take me there. I had a sore throat but that was doable. I was so excited to get there that I screamed in my friend’s ears over Whatsapp and I snapped pictures of every building, scene and attraction. One picture of my adventures shows my face of disbelieve, and excitement. I had a wonderful time in Orlando for the three days that I was there. Another adventure followed: seeing my best friend in Toronto!


Can’t leave Niagara without an ice-wand

My Toronto visit was exactly what I needed for a break. It was relaxed, shopping here and there and just getting together with friends and relaxing. That’s the whole point of a break now isn’t it? I always wanted to see the Niagara Falls in the winter times as well, because I learned that it’s supposed to be very pretty then. And it was! We had amazing weather, and it looked just as amazing. After some great sushi on the last night there, I made my way back to Grand Rapids. Luckily my flight home was relaxed and no hustle, just as the flight towards Toronto was. It was actually amazing that I can say that I flew in six different planes in eleven days! Wanderlust or what?

Spring Times

When I got back from Spring Break, the first thing that I noticed was that the snow was almost gone. The whole week had been nice (nice meaning above zero degrees, and it got up to twelve degrees even!). The only thing that I noticed is that a lot of students seemed to be getting into this end-of-semester blues. Most people want it to be done with, while I’m just starting to live here! I finally heard the birds chirp, and that is an adventure seeing as they had left for their lives. I wouldn’t want to be in Michigan either if I was a bird. When I drove back from Grand Rapids another day with my friends, I looked out of the window of the car and I was just so grateful for the view. Because the city that we live in here isn’t so big, there aren’t that many lights that cloud the air, so I had the most beautiful and breathtaking view of the stars that I have ever seen. I enjoyed staring at that, and it truly made me feel like I was somewhere else, how different it may sound.

The weather seems to stay nice, people don’t expect snow to come back. Well, at least not the way we had before. The only snow that we may still get is something that I refer to as ‘Dutch snow’: snow for two days, then slush and then snow free. I realized the other day that my time here is over in seven weeks, and there is still enough to do here! I enrolled myself in a dance group for the International Fair (bold move, I never do that!) and I also got involved with a poetry group. It seems like I finally start to blossom here in my new environment.

Up next: Chicago for midterm recess! Basically midterm recess is just Easter Break, but because of different religions, the school is not allowed to call it that.

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Trip with friends to Grand Rapids!

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American things!

2015-01-30 04.58.24So I went to see my first basketball game the other day. It was a college game, the Ferris State teams (male and female) against another team. I believe it was Hillsdale or something like that, honestly the name wasn’t really staying with me. I wished it did, because that would make this blogpost just so much bette

The Basketball Games

I honestly went to the game because I wanted to experience the college sports, and 2015-01-29 21.26.32get into it. With the girls’ team the team spirit was awfully far to find. I almost wanted to leave, until I just decided to stay for the guys’ game. And that was not a bad decision. Since male basketball is just stronger and bigger in America, and so people started to show up more I suppose. The team spirit was high though! This game was a residence hall appreciation night, which meant that the most attendees from the same residence hall could win a prize for their whole hall. And guess what: my hall won! Free shirts for everyone. However, that was not why I went in the first place though. I didn’t understand much of basketball, but that all changed as soon as the game progressed. The Ferris State team was doing so well, and then all of a sudden they were tied with the opposite team. This could not be true! But it was, and that didn’t really matter, they won and the stadium cheered! There were cheerleaders as well, and the bulldog logo was actually on the basketball arena ground. I thought it looked pretty cool, maybe too unreal to be true. But I suppose I just have my head in the American clouds.

Going out!

Even though I tried to not go out too much, I realized that I actually have to go out some time. I mean, I’m here anyway right? May as well make the best of it! So on a Wednesday I went out to a place called Gypsy King (I believe that’s what it’s called). On Wednesday nights there’s karaoke night, and that’s just fun right? The place is 21 and over, so I had no troubles getting a cocktail! Yesterday I went out to a club/bar called Shooters. It was a lot of dancing, and it was just a great time I suppose!2015-02-01 18.34.30

Super Bowl

But of course, the most American thing next to the fourth of July is of course the Super Bowl! And my Residence Hall didn’t leave us out in the dark. Pizza, cookies, drinks and a fun crowd of people in front of a big tv! Patriots vs Seahawks.

Losing Weight

Something American too is that people are overweight, and that a lot of people need to lose weight. So what did Ferris State University do? They created a Spring Break Slim Down, a competition to lose weight right before Spring Break. It’s a competition that runs from February 1st until March 1st, and I joined in!

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Go Bulldogs!

!!Warning!! This blog post may be too long for your liking :)!!

It’s been a long long while since I updated my blog, and honestly I’ve been here at Ferris State University (or at least, Big Rapids) for almost three weeks now! This means that I actually owe you all an update on what I have been up to, and what it’s like here.

The flight and journey

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Ready to go!

I was not looking forward to the flight, it was going to be a long flight for sure! After I got through customs at Schiphol Airport, I actually walked to the gate straight away. Half an hour later I was ready to board the KLM flight. The seat was a bit too tight for me, so I actually ended up with a bruise on my thighs from sitting so long, however, I really loved the leg space. Also, I know I talk about food a lot, but the airplane food was really good! When I landed in Atlanta, I went as fast as I could. But of course, it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t have any troubles. Once arrived at the customs, they were having technical difficulties. This meant that no one could get through, and many of us had connecting flights. I was so nervous, stressing out. Who knew when the last plane to Grand Rapids would go?! So when I got through, I had forty minutes left. That was barely enough. I ran, took off my shoes, went through border control, put on my shoes and ran to the shuttles. When I arrived at the gate, they were just starting to board. Made it!

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Airplane meal one! This was a very Dutch meal =)

On that flight I had wifi, which was good. I could update a couple of people where I was at (and how cool is it, telling people you’re in the air right at that moment!). When I arrived in Grand Rapids, I knew I still had to wait two or so hours for the pick-up shuttle that would take me to Big Rapids, so I watched a movie on my laptop. I wasn’t feeling all that tired just yet. However, because of the weather our driver was thirty minutes late. But then… he accidentally locked everyone out of the car. Which meant that we had to wait for a locksmith to open up the car. I arrived at the airport at 5pm, and at 9:30pm we were finally leaving for Grand Rapids. At 10:30pm I checked into the Quality Inn hotel and went to sleep. There was snow everywhere when I arrived!

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My dorm (part of it), the rainbow bed is mine.


I arrived on a Saturday, and the International Student Orientation didn’t begin until the Monday. However, at orientation I forgot to bring the important papers from the hotel (passport etc.), this was needed to establish the immigration process (no worries though, I did it all the day after!). Orientation was actually really funny, because most professors that were presents remembered me from all the emails that I sent to them! Orientation was actually everything I expected from it. I learned a lot about the campus and the school, and I moved into my dorm! My roommate was funny when she met me for the first time. I told her I am an International Student from the Netherlands, and I believe she stared at me for five minutes (she had never met someone from the Netherlands before!). I have another roommate, but I don’t see her often because she stays with her boyfriend basically. I made a couple of trips to Walmart as well, to buy the essentials I need for my dorm (like a blanket, may be of some use!).

First Classes

So when orientation ended, basically I was on my own. It was scary, but also fun and intriguing. I took five classes: Scriptwriting, American Film History, Creative Writing, Video Communications and Directors. My first impression of the classes is that these are very easy (so far). But of course, unlike the Dutch learning system, the American one isn’t divided in levels of education. So my homework usually consists of watching a movie, discussing a certain media topic or writing poetry so far. Oh, and I already read the whole E.T. script (or screenplay). The biggest difference that I notice in comparison with the college or university in the Netherlands is that I get a lot more homework. If I look at my school, we have certain projects and essays, but mostly not weekly assignments.

Ferris State University Campus

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The campus library

My second day of school was a bit difficult. I got lost finding a building, but I made it on time for sure. I already know where to walk everywhere now, and I like it actually. Some people call me crazy for walking to the Walmart, or walking downtown in the snow (they both are about a thirty minute walk). However, I don’t mind it. Yes there may be snow, but if it’s not snowing and if there’s no wind, like most days, walking is actually not a big deal. They clean out the sidewalks too, so those are mostly snow free. The first few days that I was here were terrible though, because it was extremely cold (we’ve had -26C for one). The last few days have been better. It’s still in the negatives, but -5C to -1C are doable, for me at least. I think I will like it better here for sure if the snow disappears, but rumour has it that this may actually go on until May (like last year!). Activities that I have been doing a lot is going to the gym. The gym is free to use for students of Ferris State, and there’s also a pool that I love to use!

Oh and I forgot to tell about ‘The Rock’! That’s the campus cafeteria where I basically go to get my breakfast, lunch and dinner. There is a great variety in food, although most of it is not healthy. I keep strong though and don’t binge as often as most people do. My favourite breakfast so far are fresh waffles with fresh fruit, or blueberry bagels with cream cheese! Soon I will go to the tiny movie theatre that they have downtown as well.

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Student Visa Application and approval


The acceptance letter of Ferris State University

It’s been a while since I updated my blog, but not without reason! I was busy planning all kinds of things, and again waiting a lot too.

On the 30th of October I received a fantastic email saying that I officially got accepted at Ferris State University. I was waiting for this email, because I couldn’t do anything else without it. I got the shipping confirmation for my official DS-2019 form (international students would get an I-20 form). After some research on the internet, I read that the mail would be here in about seven days. However, three days later my important package arrived. The DS-2019 form was in there, all safe and sound.

The Application

I immediately went to the website that was written down on the acceptance letter from the university, so that I could pay my SEVIS Fee (which was $180). I’m not sure exactly what the fee is for, but you have to pay that in order to complete the official application on the American Embassy website, which is called the DS-160 form. This long document that requests a lot of info from you needs to be filled in. Afterwards I got a confirmation with a registration number on it, which is very important for when I made appointment. When I was done filling in the application, I needed to click the second link on the webpage, which allowed me to make an account. Before I could make an appointment at the American Embassy in Amsterdam, I had to pay once more, an amount of 128 euros. These were visa costs as well. The website told me that the payment processing takes about three working days (which was a bummer, because I wanted to do it immediately). However, this wasn’t true because the day after I got a confirmation that the payment had been complete and I could now go ahead and make an appointment.

The appointment was already made for the day after, at 08:30am. This is what I needed to bring:

  • SEVIS Fee confirmation of payment
  • DS-160 confirmation
  • DS-2019 form
  • Passport
  • Custom size picture (5 x 5 cm, white background –> do NOT go to a self-service photo booth like I did, because they will send you away to make a new picture)

People told me I needed financial statements, bank statements, application letters, governmental proof of funding etc, but none of that was true.


The American Embassy in Amsterdam

The Appointment

Together with my classmate who is also going to Ferris State University, I made sure we were there at the embassy at around 8am, just to be sure. We were allowed to get in rather quickly. Before we could go in, a guard at the door had a hand detector to see if we were carrying anything harmful. When we entered, we had to line up immediately again and show the guards inside our DS-160 form (which is technically a proof that you made an appointment). You have to go through metal detectors after that. People in front of me had to take their shoes off, so I took the liberty to take them off too. That was a big mistake! They don’t appreciate such a thing and I was told to only do what was asked of me to do and nothing else (apparently I looked suspicious now that I took off my shoes voluntarily!).

I got a number, my bag was taken away from me, and I had to sit in the waiting area. The waiting area seats were faced away from the booths, so basically those men look at the backs of people all day until you’re called. When I was called, the first thing I had to do was to give my fingerprints of both of my hands before handing in the documents. At that moment he told me I had to make a new picture, so I had to leave and came back when that was done. When I came back, I again had to wait in the sitting area before my number was called on. This time they only checked the prints on my right hand, before asking me a couple of questions. I was prepared for the questions and had memorized the address of the university by now. They asked me the following questions:

  • What program are you going to study at Ferris State University?
  • What are you studying now?
  • Have you ever been to the United States Before?
  • Have you applied for a visa before?
  • How long are you staying?

These questions were easily answered, and the man was very sweet and could tell that I was nervous. When I didn’t understand something, he kindly explained what he meant. After the questions he told me that my visa was approved and that I can expect my visa back home in about three working days.

So, long story short: the entire process of getting accepted, receiving my form and getting approved for my visa only cost seven days! The longest wait is to wait for approval of the university. Ferris State University: here I come!

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And the balls are rolling!

The e-mail

I finally got my e-mail from the International Office. This is a ‘provisional selection’, which basically means that I am not accepted yet. There is still a lot that can happen, and Ferris State University still has the rights to deny me as an exchange student, and if I’m too late with my application and such.

What did the e-mail say?                                                                      

Basically, it started out with ‘congratulations!’, which made me happy enough, but unfortunately there is always more to an official mail like that! But honestly I’m happy that I get to do something now, because I was getting really impatient. There are still four steps that I need to undertake:

1. Proof of English proficiency. With this they mean of course if I can speak English well enough to survive there. Well, I think I got this! They ask for either a proof of a TOEFL test, or alternatively an official statement from my English teacher. Luckily mine was very quick in responding. So consider this done!

2. Official transcripts of records. Naturally, the Ferris State University wants your grades! But this is very easily done from your account at the school website, so that one is also done!

3. Copy of your passport. Easy! Grab your passport, find a copy machine and done!

4. Financial guarantee reflecting at least $6,000 (or $7,000 according to their website). They give me three options to do this, but because I am a little different than others, I believe that you have to do two of the three so that they cannot say that I haven’t done my best. The first one is a financial statement that you can find on the website of the University. I need to fill this in as accurately as I possibly can, so they will not frown upon me. Next are two options that I can choose of: 1) Original and official bank statement (updated within the past six months) from you or your sponsor representing funds for one semester (US$6,000). The statement must identify the name of the account holder, their relationship to you, account number, and currency or 2) An original letter from the bank stating the name of account holder, account number, date, currency used, and amount. It must be signed by a member of bank staff whose name, position, and contact information are provided in the letter. I decided to go with the last one. A letter seems like it’s written and progressed way easier and also faster, and since I need to have this handed in on October 9th, I cannot waste time!

The application  

Next to all the proof that I need to send in, there is also something that’s called an application. So far I haven’t received the correct application yet. The application that was sent to me in the e-mail was one of spring last year, so I cannot use it. I will update my blog once I fill in that application! Now onto the bank statements!

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Searching for tips

tips blog

Bring me all the tips!

Waiting, waiting, waiting. It doesn’t get easier. But it does get easier if you know what you’re up against! So I spent this week  searching and researching everything I might need to know before going abroad. This wasn’t always easy, because how do you  know what you need to research about if you don’t know what you need to know? Oh yes, you can think about that.

Travelers tips
At my internship I had to look for blogs that would improve the linkbuilding (not going into detail on that), however, when I did  so I found a blog from Mariellen Ward called ‘getting ready for long term travel‘. Of course, I’m going to study abroad. But since I  will be an exchange student and not an international student, you can see this as long-term travel. I found very interesting  information on her blog, especially some that I recognize myself in. For example, what luggage am I taking? And what medicine  and things am I taking? Like Mariellen, I’m likely to overpack. So the biggest tip that I got here for myself is: I’m going to the  USA, not the middle of nowhere. They will have medicine and anything else that I need there.

Ferris State Minor
So yes, I’m going abroad. I’m going to study. From the beginning I said I wanted to study ‘film studies’. But what does that mean? I searched the website for information on the film studies minor, and realized I still need to pick subjects. Yet what is that? The credits! How does that work with the ECTs that we have in Europe? Luckily I have found an accurate document from my school that converts the USA credits (or any credits from any school outside of Europe) to the ECTS. This means I need fifteen USA credits in order to have the thirty required for my minor abroad. This would be five subjects, yet Ferris State requires that you have six. This means I’m doing one subject too many, as my school will not count any credits above thirty.

Comfortable outfit
And last but not least, I researched comfortable outfits for the airplane or the travel in general. I calculated my traveling time (including stop overs, waiting etc.) will be around 17 hours. You don’t want to wear skinny jeans or tight clothes for 17 hours straight, especially not when you’re sitting most of the time. Or at least, I would never want that. Earlier I posted a wish list that had a onesie on there. I still think a onesie is a good thing to wear to be comfortable. But I realized that there are more options. A baggy sweater is one thing, for example. The best tip that I learned is to layer things: wear a shirt underneath your sweater so that you can change out of it easily without flashing your bra to the world. I also learned something about thick leggings or just baggy jogging pants. The best tip I found was to wear shoes that come off easily (but to not take them off in the plane!). For girls: wear a sports bra, because that is the least uncomfortable.

And there we have it, things you can do when you’re waiting. Hopefully next week I will have my papers!

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What is this? So many to do lists!

To Do ListStudying abroad in the United States of America is a lot of work, more work than you may think. In fact, I think it’s one of the most difficult countries to study abroad (although I have no idea since I have never studied abroad before). There are many things that need to be proven and approved and there are many things that need to be arranged.

I learned from a young age that the best you can do is planning. So whatever I do, I do not do it without planning and to me that’s the way it’s supposed to be. On the contrary, it’s also difficult for me to do something that I didn’t plan beforehand (except maybe going to the movies and whatnot). The Dutch have a very ‘planny’culture in general, and I know from my own experience that even friends make a small planning to go hang out with each other, instead of going out spontaneously. Of course, that still happens. Just usually we plan everything (maybe less extreme than I do).

Okay, back to the topic. I (still) haven’t received any papers from Ferris State University, but I figured that I could do something else beside the saving money. When I have the papers, I want to make sure I already have all the documents I need and send it all back. So I made a couple of to-do lists with the documents and things needed before I can anything else.

There are two types of documents that I need in two different categories, and yet both have to do with finance. I have to have documents that prove that I have enough money before I go abroad. And I need to documents to prove that I have enough money while I’m studying abroad. An official document that I printed out from the school demands the numbers that are on my savings account, the money that I will acquire from the government when I’m abroad, the salary that I may or may not receive when I’m abroad and the parental support that I get when I’m abroad. This is quite some information that the school needs, luckily for me there’s an official ‘confidential’ stamp on it, so that’s no problem.

to do list

My current to do lists

However, for governmental funding and what not I need official documents proving that I indeed am receiving such money. So that is for the school, proving that I have enough to survive. For the VISA application however, the ties are somewhat turned. They ask for proof of a capital that I have before I leave the country (because why would they allow a poor student to enter their country?).

In order to prove this, I need an official document from my bank stating that I have enough money (or enough capital). This same document I also need to add to my school application. I expect the papers this month, so I may start to search for the documents while I wait!

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The Money Diaries


The euro and the dollar

Going abroad means that you have to save up money, and lots of it! I have been made aware of this by an older students way before the selection had been made, and it was good that I knew. I was open for all savings and I thought by myself: I’ve got this! I thought that if I save up so much beforehand that I don’t have to worry about a thing.

…but then time magically disappeared. I have no shame when I tell you that I’m a shop-a-holic. I like to buy a lot in the most unfortunate periods of time. That and the fact that I kept thinking: oh I still have *insert number* months.

But now… a little over 4 months left! Plus the fact that I need to prove to the Ferris State University that I can afford the semester there in my application. This means… 1 month left, or less, depending on when I get the paper. Luckily for me I did start to save up a little earlier than today. The bad thing is that I’m nowhere near what I need!

What does it cost to go abroad and can I afford it?
Some people I know worry a little about me. “If you can’t afford it now, how will you be able to survive there?” That is an excellent question, but luckily for me I have a more excellent answer! Most American universities have something that’s called a Dorm + Mealplan. This is an amount of money that you pay for all of your food and your sleeping place in a real American dorm. The amount of this varies from $4.584 to $4.899 (€3.481 to €3.720). However, when you apply you need to have proof of $6000 (€4.556).

The saving plan
And yet, even though $4.500 (€3.481) is a lot of money, I’m blessed that my exchange goes through my school. This means that I only have to pay to get there, and then my accommodation and food. Tuition is a lot more expensive than the accommodation and I think the price of going abroad would have doubled at that rate.

So let’s talk numbers! You know the fee you need for application, but what else do you need?

– Plane ticket (mine was €1.049)
– Visa fee (€300)
– Visa appointment (just to make an appointment, the American embassy asks €15)

And next to that there may also be some other things that you want to buy (new suitcases, travelling equipment etc.). So what I did was add everything together and then divide this with the amount of months that you have left. That way you know how much you need to save up a month to get to your goal! You can put all of this in an excel sheet for a good overview or maybe you have a mastermind and can remember all of this. 

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Travel wish list: Who doesn’t have one?


Collage of wanted items

Admit it: as soon as you know that you’re going to travel, you start deciding what things you may want (or need) to make sure you look the way you want to look, have the image you want to have and to get that great first impression in another country.

To be honest I’ve always had this. When I went to London with three friends, I wanted to make sure that I look “London” worthy. With that I mean that I bought a red suitcase and stuck a Gryffindor sticker on top of it, a pair of Converse Allstars with the Union Jack all over it, a red matching carry on bag and so on. When I went to New York the same rules applied. I didn’t go as far as to get shoes with the American flag on it, but I did buy a travel journal and a document bag with American items on there. I also wanted to look somewhat glamorous and so I did bring things that I normally wouldn’t, like special hair care items.

This time it won’t be too different I think. Even though I’m less focused on the country where I go to, I am focused on how I will look like and how others may view me. But isn’t that a concern of everyone who goes off to study in another country? But this time it’s more me. One thing I always had is a thing for the color pink. Sometimes I have these small ‘episodes’ where I want to look a little tougher, but who am I kidding? I can’t rock the ‘rock-look’ unless I really feel it. And I just love pink a lot!  My friends who read this will probably be like: why are there suitcases on the picture? You just bought new suitcases last year! Yes, this is correct I did. However, those suitcases are made of a cheap fabric and to be honest I already broke the zipper, and next to that they are dirty (which I am afraid of showing, silly isn’t it?).

So let’s talk about my ‘studying abroad’ travel wish list. One item on there is becoming more and more popular during long travels: the onesie! And most onesies are definitely not flattering, especially not if you’re a not super skinny. But this website has found a way to make onesies a little more fashionable. The reason why I want one is because they are very comfortable. Especially since I’m flying in January (cold!) and my total travel time will be over 14 hours. I do realize that €119 might be a little much for a onesie, but who knows. I may have it in the future.

The vacuum bags are actually a very handy gadget if you’re packing a lot. I will be packing a lot I suppose, being away for five months. And if I don’t pack enough to fill my suitcase, I will certainly need them when I get back home! The suitcases have four wheels each which make them easier to carry around and the design is just something that I like. It has a special TSA-lock, which is almost necessary if you go to the USA and want to secure your luggage! The other handy thing that I have put down on my wish list is the waterbobble. This bottle filters the water before you drink it, and since we Dutch people are very used to clean water, what doesn’t taste like chloride, this is a very good item for if I don’t want to buy bottled water all the time. Plus it holds 750ml! Continuing in the line of handy things is a sewing kit and a portable charger. As a perfume lover, this smaller spray that you can refill is definitely something that I don’t want to forget putting in my carry on bag. And last but not least, the carry-on bottles! Some may say that these are unnecessary, but then they go off buying the so called ‘minis’ (very small sized bottles with shower gel and such) and they end up spending more than if you just bought one of those and filled them with products you still have at home. Another plus to that is that these are carry-on sized and therefore are allowed on the plane. So it’s a good thing if you want to fresh up at layovers, or just if you don’t want to run to the nearest store the moment you arrive!

And here a list of everything together:

  • Original Onesie Navy – XL – €119 –
  • Leonardo luggage set Fuchsia – €199 –
  • Space Bag vacuum bags Travel Set – €15,94 –
  • Coghlans sewing kit – €6,99 –
  • Bobble Sport waterbottle with filter Magenta – €11,99 –
  • Travel size perfume bottle – pink – €13,46 –
  • IPXL Pink travel bottle set – €5,95 –
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